Totally awesome!!! Very funny! I jut love the voice acting, I think it was the best thing about this flash! Very simple, very funny.
Keep it up!
Totally awesome!!! Very funny! I jut love the voice acting, I think it was the best thing about this flash! Very simple, very funny.
Keep it up!
Awesome!!!! Great act... :3! ha.... lol...
I peed my self at the end... That was fucking funny...!
Thats pretty cool! An original idea if I may add...
It looks a bit like an album cover of some sort....
If you're planning on making another one, can you make the drawing more complicated? In other words, MAKE IT BIGGER!!!
Awesome!!! I really didn't expect this to be so funny! Most "awesome" fan flashes pretty much suck balls.... But this one had good animation good voice acting and some how good jocks! (with no one saying f***,c***,p**** or ********-*************)
Keep it up! (fav+)
Awesome as always!!! Great series! I can't stop laughing! (I think I pooped my self!)
The ending was killer!
By the way, I can't wait till the 10th episode! If it's as good as you said, then it's should be the highlight of the series! And I really hope that wouldn't be the end of the series...
The animation an graphics aren't really that good, but I think the voice acting are hilarious and the music and sounds weren't bad...
I think it can use some more finishing touches, but the jocks were funny and I really enjoyed it!
That was pretty cool! I really didn't expect that...
Awesome series! I love the voices and sound affects, they're just so damn funny!
This episode is probably my favorite! By the way, how long does it take you to make one episode? It's not like you make one every day... (Do you?)
Keep it up!
3-5 days on average
I wuv waffles!!! Great loop! I love the song and the animation is just fantastic!!!!
I'm a chicken hear me RAWR!
Age 29, Male
Joined on 10/26/06